SanerNow captures all the activities performed by the user. Any action performed in SanerNow is called an Event. Each event is assigned a unique Job Code. Every SanerNow tool has a unique job code to track events occurring within it.
The table below lists job codes and events mapped to individual SanerNow tools.
User Management
Job Code | Events |
1000 | User Management |
1001 | User Creation |
1002 | User Removal |
1003 | User Update |
1004 | Added API key details |
1005 | Failed to add API key details |
1006 | Updated API key details |
1007 | Failed to update API key details |
1008 | Deleted API key details |
1009 | Failed to delete API key details |
Asset Exposure
Job Code | Events |
2000 | Asset Exposure |
2001 | Tagging Asset |
2002 | Updating Black listed Assets |
2003 | Updating White listed Assets |
2004 | Removing Black listed Asset |
2005 | Removing White listed Asset |
Account & Device Management
Job Code | Events |
3000 | Account Management |
3001 | Account Access |
3002 | Account removal |
3003 | Account Creation |
3004 | Account modification |
3005 | Remove Device |
3006 | Disable Device |
3007 | Enable Device |
3008 | Deploy Agent |
3009 | Undeploy Agent |
3010 | Create Group |
3011 | Update Group |
3012 | Remove Group |
3013 | Agent Creation |
3014 | Agent Upgrade Creation |
3015 | Delete Mail settings |
3016 | Create Mail settings |
3017 | Update Mail settings |
3018 | Create Agent Settings |
3019 | remove Agent Settings |
3020 | Update Agent Settings |
3021 | Create alerts |
3022 | Remove alerts |
3023 | Disable alerts |
3024 | Enable alerts |
3025 | Update alert Mail Id |
3026 | Agent Deployment/Undeployment Failure |
3027 | Agent Deployment/Undeployment Success |
3028 | Device Update |
3029 | Move Device |
3039 | Pinned Device |
3040 | Unpinned Device |
3041 | Updated host name |
3033 | Updated Device Tags |
3034 | Failed to update Device Tags |
3035 | Deleted Device Tags |
3036 | Failed to delete device Tags |
3037 | Uploaded CMDB Data |
3038 | Failed to upload CMDB Data |
Vulnerability Management
Job Code | Events |
4000 | Vulnerability Management |
4001 | Scan schedule creation |
4002 | Exclude Vulnerability Policy Creation |
4003 | Exclude Vulnerability Policy Update |
4004 | Exclude Vulnerability Policy Deletion |
4005 | Enable Exclude Vulnerability Policy |
4006 | Disable Exclude Vulnerability Policy |
Patch Management
Job Code | Events |
5000 | Patch Management |
5001 | Remediation creation |
5002 | Remediation deletion |
5003 | Remediation update |
5004 | Remediation Automate |
5005 | Remediation(Automate) deletion |
5006 | Remediation(Automate) update |
5007 | Remediation(Patch based) Creation |
5008 | Remediation(Patch based) deletion |
5009 | Remediation(Patch based) update |
5010 | Create Incident Response |
5011 | Delete Incident Response |
5012 | Update Incident Response |
5013 | Patch Rollback created |
5014 | Exclude Patch Policy Creation |
5015 | Exclude Patch Policy Update |
5016 | Exclude Patch Policy Deletion |
5017 | Enable Exclude Patch Policy |
5018 | Disable Exclude Patch Policy |
5019 | Create PM Reboot Job |
5020 | Delete PM Reboot Job |
Compliance Management
Job Code | Events |
6000 | Compliance Management |
6001 | Configuration benchmark creation |
6002 | Configuration benchmark deletion |
6003 | Configuration benchmark modification |
6004 | Create MisConfiguration Job |
6005 | Update MisConfiguration Job |
6006 | Delete MisConfiguration Job |
6007 | Create Rollback Job |
6008 | Update Rollback Job |
6009 | Delete Rollback Job |
6010 | Create CM Reboot Job |
6011 | Delete CM Reboot Job |
6012 | Create CM Automation Rule |
6013 | Delete CM Automation Rule |
6014 | Update CM Automation Rule |
Posture Anomaly
Job Code | Events |
7000 | PA |
7001 | Response creation |
7002 | Response deletion |
7003 | Create Incident Response |
7004 | Delete Incident Response |
7005 | Update Incident Response |
7006 | Disable Indicators Of Compromise |
7007 | Enable Indicators Of Compromise |
7008 | Posture Anomaly computation started |
7009 | Posture Anomaly download and computation started |
7010 | Posture anomaly configuration updated |
7011 | Posture anomaly whitelist updated |
7012 | Retriving Posture Anomaly |
7013 | Retriving Posture anomaly scanner status |
7014 | Add grannular Posture anomaly whitelist |
7015 | Retrieving Posture anomaly grannular whitelist |
7016 | Removed granular posture anomaly whitelist |
7017 | Posture Anomaly computation finished |
7018 | Posture Anomaly download and computation finished |
7019 | Application switched to Posture anomaly |
7020 | Add Posture Anomaly Scan Configuration |
7021 | Failed to Add Posture Anomaly Scan Configuration |
7022 | Update Posture Anomaly Scan Configuration |
7023 | Failed to Update Posture Anomaly Scan Configuration |
7024 | Delete Posture Anomaly Scan Configuration |
7025 | Failed to Delete Posture Anomaly Scan Configuration |
Endpoint Management
Job Code | Events |
8000 | Endpoint Management |
8001 | Query Creation |
8002 | Query removal |
8003 | Query update |
8004 | Create Incident Response |
8005 | Delete Incident Response |
8006 | Update Incident Response |
8007 | Upload Software Package |
8008 | Delete Software Package |
Logging Management
Job Code | Events |
9000 | Logging Management |
9001 | Logger Initialized |
9002 | Service Started |
9003 | PCM Initialized |
9004 | Scheduler Initialized |
Authentication Management
Job Code | Events |
10000 | Authentication Management |
10001 | User Login |
10002 | User Logout |
10003 | Enable multi-factor authentication |
10004 | Disable multi-factor authentication |
10005 | Enforced multi-factor authentication for user |
10006 | Withdrawn multi-factor authentication for user |
10007 | Update Service Provisions |
10008 | Remove Service Provisions |
10009 | Triggered multi-factor authentication request |
10010 | Multi-Factor Authentication request failed to trigger |
10011 | Verified multi-factor authentication biometrics |
10012 | Multi-Factor Authentication biometrics verification failed |
10013 | Verified multi-factor authentication |
10014 | Multi-Factor Authentication verification failed |
10015 | Enforce multi-factor authentication for user failed |
10016 | Failed to withdraw multi-factor authentication for user |
10017 | Updated multi-factor authentication custom username |
10018 | Failed to update multi-factor authentication custom username |
10019 | Removed multi-factor authentication custom username |
10020 | Failed to remove multi-factor authentication custom username |
10021 | Added multi-factor authentication policy |
10022 | Failed to add multi-factor authentication policy |
10023 | Updated multi-factor authentication policy |
10024 | Failed to update multi-factor authentication policy |
10025 | Removed multi-factor authentication policy |
10026 | Failed to remove multi-factor authentication policy |
10027 | Added multi-factor authentication policy to user |
10028 | Failed to add multi-factor authentication policy to user |
10029 | Updated multi-factor authentication policy of user |
10030 | Failed to update multi-factor authentication policy of user |
10031 | Removed multi-factor authentication policy of user |
10032 | Failed to remove multi-factor authentication policy of user |
10033 | Added single sign-on policy |
10034 | Failed to add single sign-on policy |
10035 | Updated single sign-on policy |
10036 | Failed to update single sign-on policy |
10037 | Removed single sign-on policy |
10038 | Failed to remove single sign-on policy |
10039 | Added single sign-on policy to user |
10040 | Failed to add single sign-on policy to user |
10041 | Updated single sign-on policy of user |
10042 | Failed to update single sign-on policy of user |
10043 | Removed single sign-on policy of user |
10044 | Failed to remove single sign-on policy of user |
Organization Management
Job Code | Events |
11000 | Organization Management |
11001 | Create Organization |
11002 | Update Organization |
11003 | Delete Organization |
11004 | Update Organization Mail Settings |
Active Directory Management
Job Code | Events |
12000 | Active Directory Management |
12001 | Initiate AD Scan |
12002 | Create AD Configuration |
12003 | Update AD Configuration |
12004 | Delete AD Configuration |
12005 | Delegate User |
12006 | Update Delegated User |
12007 | Delete Delegated User |
12008 | Apply AD Scan Data Initiated |
12009 | Applied AD Scan Data |
12010 | Create AD Device |
12011 | Remove AD Device |
12012 | Move AD Device |
12013 | Create AD Group |
12014 | Remove AD Group |
12015 | Create AD Account |
12016 | Remove AD Account |
12017 | Save AD Scan Data |
12018 | AD Deployment Failure |
12019 | Create AD Account Failed |
12020 | Remove AD Account Failed |
12021 | Create AD Device Failed |
12022 | Remove AD Device Failed |
12023 | Move AD Device Failed |
12024 | Create AD Group Failed |
12025 | Remove AD Group Failed |
12026 | Rename AD Device |
12027 | Rename AD Device Failed |
12028 | Rename AD Account |
12029 | Rename AD Account Failed |
12030 | Rename AD Group |
12031 | Rename AD Group Failed |
Custom Reports
Job Code | Events |
13000 | Custom Reports |
13001 | Custom Report Created |
13002 | Custom Report Updated |
13003 | Custom Report Deleted |
13004 | Create Organization Report |
13005 | Failed to Create Organization Report |
13006 | Update Organization Report |
13007 | Failed to Update Organization Report |
13008 | Delete Organization Report |
13009 | Failed to Delete Organization Report |
Network Scanner
Job Code | Events |
14000 | Network Scanner Management |
14001 | Initiate Discovery Scan |
14002 | Add Discovery Scan Configuration |
14003 | Update Discovery Scan Configuration |
14004 | Delete Discovery Scan Configuration |
14005 | Upload Discovery Scan Data |
14006 | Failed to Upload Discovery Scan Data |
14007 | Add Network Scan Device |
14008 | Failed to Add Network Scan Device |
14009 | Updated Network Scan Device |
14010 | Failed to update Network Scan Device |
14011 | Failed to Add Discovery Scan Configuration |
14012 | Failed to Update Discovery Scan Configuration |
14013 | Failed to Delete Discovery Scan Configuration |
14014 | Stop Network Scan |
14015 | Delete Device |
14016 | Failed to Delete Device |
14017 | Rename Network Scan Device |
14018 | Failed to Rename Network Scan Device |
14019 | Updated Device As Network Scanner |
14020 | Failed to Update Device As Network Scanner |
14021 | Removed Device As Network Scanner |
14022 | Failed to Remove Device As Network Scanner |
14023 | Initiate Network Scan |
14024 | Add Network Scan Configuration |
14025 | Failed to Add Network Scan Configuration |
14026 | Update Network Scan Configuration |
14027 | Failed to Update Network Scan Configuration |
14028 | Delete Network Scan Configuration |
14029 | Failed to Delete Network Scan Configuration |
14030 | Add Network Scan Policy |
14031 | Failed to Add Network Scan Policy |
14032 | Update Network Scan Policy |
14033 | Failed to Update Network Scan Policy |
14034 | Delete Network Scan Policy |
14035 | Failed to Delete Network Scan Policy |
14036 | Add Credential Object |
14037 | Failed to Add Credential Object |
14038 | Update Credential Object |
14039 | Failed to Update Credential Object |
14040 | Remove Credential Object |
14041 | Failed to Remove Credential Object |
14042 | Stop Discovery Scan |
14043 | Imported Network Scan Policy |
14044 | Failed to Import Network Scan Policy |
14045 | Assign Scan Configuration |
14046 | Failed to Assign Scan Configuration |
14047 | Discovery Scan Failed |
14048 | Network Scan Failed |
14049 | Unassign Scan Configuration |
14050 | Failed to Unassign Scan Configuration |
Risk Prioritization
Job Code | Events |
15000 | Risk Prioritization |
15001 | Added Risk Prioritization Scan Configuration |
15002 | Failed to Add Risk Prioritization Scan Configuration |
15003 | Updated Risk Prioritization Scan Configuration |
15004 | Failed to Update Risk Prioritization Scan Configuration |
15005 | Removed Risk Prioritization Scan Configuration |
15006 | Failed to Remove Risk Prioritization Scan Configuration |
15007 | Initiated Risk Prioritization Scan |
15008 | Failed to Initiate Risk Prioritization Scan |
15009 | Risk Prioritization Scan Completed |
15010 | Risk Prioritization Scan Failed |
15011 | Risk Prioritization Scan Started |
15012 | Updated Risk Prioritization Configuration |
Cyber Hygiene Score
Job Code | Events |
17000 | Cyber Hygiene Score |
17001 | CHS Configuration Changed |
17002 | CHS Scan Initiated |
17003 | CHS Scan Completed |
17004 | CHS Scan Failed |