This article presents basic concepts and helps you get started with managing excessive permissions in your cloud infrastructure.
What are Excessive Permissions?
Excessive permission in cloud infrastructure means users or applications have unnecessary access rights or more control than what’s required to perform their tasks. This results in security risks making the system susceptible to unauthorized access and data breaches.
How does SanerCloud Handle Excessive Permissions?
Managing entitlements in Saner CIEM begins with gaining visibility into identities such as IAM users, roles, and groups, with their associated permissions and policies. This discovery process evaluates predefined risks in cloud accounts, such as excessive privileges and inactive or dormant identities. Once AWS accounts are discovered, administrators can effectively manage entitlements, remediate risks, and ensure compliance across all identified accounts in the AWS.
Permission Structure Visualization
From the built-in Policy Details Map, you can filter entitlements by users, groups, policies, resources, and roles. This gives Entitle admins multi-cloud visibility of every permission in the organization.
Related Topics
How to Know the Excessive Permissions on a Specific Service?
How to Determine If a Policy Has Excessive Permission?
How to Visually See the Relationship between Identity, Entitlement, Policy, or Permission?