Using SanerNow Offline Deployer tool, you can install the SanerNow Agent remotely on Windows, Linux, AIX, and Mac systems. However, specific prerequisites must be met on the device you will use to deploy SanerNow Agents.
- Python 3.12 should be installed on the systems. This is the recommended Python version; however, the SanerNow Offline Deployer tool can also be run using Python 3.10.
- The following Python packages should be installed on the device you will use to deploy SanerNow Agents.
- paramiko
- ecdsa
- netaddr
- requests
- setuptools
- All the above packages except the paramiko and setuptools package are included in the SanerNow Offline Deployer tool.
- Run the below command to install setuptools package on Windows / Linux / Mac devices.
pip install setuptools==69.5.1
- You can install the paramiko package for Linux systems using the below command.
pip install paramiko
- On Linux systems, Python must be installed with the SSL module. You can install the “libssl-dev” package on Debian systems and “openssl-devel” package on CentOS / RHEL systems.
- On Windows systems, the SanerNow Offline deployer tool automatically downloads the “PsExec.exe” from Microsoft and will be placed in the PsExecTool directory in the current working directory. If you want to download the “PsExec.exe” tool into a specific directory, you must add the absolute path of the directory to “PSEXEC_DOWN_DIR” variable inside the file.
- If the “PsExec.exe” file is already present on the system, please add its absolute path to “psexec_file_path” variable inside the file.
Important You must run the pip install setuptools command after Python gets successfully installed on the system you will use to deploy SanerNow Agents. |
Deploying SanerNow Agents using SanerNow Offline Deployer tool
1. Download the SanerNow Agent from the Offline Deployer option in the Control Panel.
2. SanerNow Offline Deployer options are as shown in the image below:

Note You must run the deployer script from a Windows system to deploy SanerNow Agents on Windows devices. Similarly, you must run the deployer script from a Linux / Mac system to deploy SanerNow Agents on Linux / Mac devices. For deploying SanerNow Agents on AIX systems, you must run the Offline deployer using a Linux / Mac system. |
3. To discover devices in the network, run the following command and pass the CSV filename as a command-line argument to the deployer.
Parameter | Usage |
— —discovery | run device discovery |
— —network_range | Network IP Range |
— —light_scan | Does only ICMP scan (Optional) (Default: full scan) |
— —dis_result_csv_file | Discover IPs/Hosts will be stored in this CSV file |
— —get_host_names | Save hostname instead of host IPs (optional) (Deafult:won’t collect hostnames) |
— —run_env | Running OS: From where this tool is being run (Values: Windows|Linux|Darwin) |
python --discovery

python.exe --discovery --network_range= --dis_result_csv_file=hosts.csv --run_env=Windows

4. To deploy the SanerNow Agent on Windows, run the following commands.
Parameter | Usage |
— —deploy_saner | To deploy SanerNow Agent |
— —host | Network IP Range OR CSV file (Format: “ip address”,”username”,”password”) (credentials: optional, if passed from command-line). |
— —delete_host_csv | To delete/keep host CSV file, NOTE: We advise to delete this file, if credentials are present (Values: true|false) |
— —user | username |
— —pass | password |
— —first_scan_disable | To disable SanerNow Agent first scan just after installation (Optional) By default, first scan is enabled for SanerNow Agent post installation. |
— —agent_activation_disable | To disable SanerNow Agent activation post installation (Optional) (Default: SanerNow Agent activation is enabled) |
— —agent_remove | Include to remove SanerNow Agent from endpoint (Optional) (Default: SanerNow Agent will not be removed) |
— —uninstall_pass | Required if SanerNow Agent uninstallation requires a password (Optional) |
— —ms_eula | Accept Microsoft EULA to run psexec tool (Values: yes|no) (Optional) |
— —run_env | From which OS platform SanerNow Offline Deployer tool is launched. (Values: Windows|Linux|Darwin)(Optional) (Default: Tries to find out automatically) |
— —proxy_ip | Proxy Server Ip (optional) |
— —proxy_port | Proxy Server Port (optional) |
— —proxy_user | Proxy username (optional) |
— —proxy_pass | Proxy password (optional) |
python.exe --deploy_saner --host= --user="Administrator" --pass="password" --ms_eula=yes --run_env=Windows

5. To deploy the SanerNow Agent on Linux / macOS, run the below command.
python --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --user="root" --pass="password" --delete_host_csv=false --agent_activation_disable --first_scan_disable

6. If a proxy is enabled, pass proxy details to the deployer script as shown below.
--proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass"
python --deploy_saner --host= --user="root" --pass="password" --proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass"
7. Other available SanerNow Offline deployer tool options are shown below.
python --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --run_env=Linux --first_scan_disable
python --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --user=test_user --pass="test_pass" --run_env=Linux --agent_activation_disable --first_scan_disable
python --deploy_saner --host= --user=domain\test_user --pass="test_pass" --proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass" --ms_eula=yes --run_env=Windows