In this topic, learn to perform various operations in Report Views to enhance collaboration and analysis.
Access the Canned(Default) Reports View
Step1: Navigate to Cloud Reports
Step2: Expand the Saved Reports drop-down
Step3: From the Canned Reports section, click on the necessary report from the drop-down menu to open the report in a widget
Create a Custom Report View
In addition to the default or canned report views, you can create a number of custom report views that enables you to easily access the data you need the most.
Step1: From the Cloud Reports page, click the Save button
Step2[Mandatory]: Key in the Report Name
Step 3: Apply the necessary settings
Step 4: Save the Report view to see the successful message
Setup Backup Schedule for Report Views
Setup specific time range or backup schedule, which is helpful for analyzing data over a designated period.
Step1: From the Save Reports window, click on the Report Backup toggle to turn the report backup ON or OFF
Step2: Use the Backup Schedule options to specify the backup time on a Daily or Weekly basis
Step3: Determine how many backups to retain by clicking the up or down arrows in Keep only the latest version text box
Step4: Specify scheduling the backup at a specific time with an AM/PM toggle and timezone selection (Etc/UTC). The system takes a copy of the report view at the specified time.
Step5: Provide the email addresses to which the report backup or notification must be sent. You can enter multiple emails addresses separated by comma.
Follow the same steps to setup the backup schedule for Canned Reports, just open the canned report view and modify the Backup Schedule.
Exclude Filter Statements in Exported Report Views
From the Save Reports window, select the checkbox — Omit filter statement in the exported report. Selecting this option excludes the filter statements in the exported report when filters are applied.
View the Created Report
Access the newly created custom report from the Custom Reports section under Reports menu on the Cloud Reports page.
Modify a Report View
You have an option to modify all the details for a newly created Custom Report view. However, the system allows modifying only the backup schedule details for Canned Report views.
Update the details of a Report view by:
- Accessing the created custom or canned report view from the relevant section within the Saved Reports menu
- Clicking the Settings button next to the report name and make your updates
Assign Reports to Other Organizations and Accounts
From the Save Reports window, choose other organizations or accounts to which you want to assign reports from the drop-down lists and save.
Perform Routine Operations in the Reports View
- Filter: Specify the preferred filter criteria by clicking the filter icon corresponding to a column in the report view
- Sort: Sort data in ascending or descending order from the report view by clicking on the column heading
- Search: Search the report view for a specific record by keying in the value in the search box. For example, search by service profile, region, and so on
- Move: Click, drag, and rearrange the report views as you like
- Download CSV: Open the report in CSV format by clicking the CSV icon within report view
- Resize: Click, drag, expand or collapse the report view by clicking the Resize button
- Reload: Renders the current or updated data after last scan on clicking the reload button on top-right of the reports page
- Clear: Removes all the content on the reports page
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