You can uninstall SanerNow Agent using SanerNow Offline Deployer tool.
Launch the SanerNow Offline Deployer tool. You screen should like the image below.

Note You must run the deployer script from a Windows system to uninstall SanerNow Agents on Windows devices. Similarly, you must run the deployer script from a Linux / Mac system to uninstall SanerNow Agents on Linux / Mac devices. For uninstalling SanerNow Agents on AIX systems, you must run the Offline deployer on a Linux / Mac system. |
2. To remove/uninstall the SanerNow Agent on Windows, run the following command
python.exe --deploy_saner --host= --user="Administrator" --pass="password" --run_env=Windows --agent_remove
3. If SanerNow Agent is password protected, execute the following command to provide uninstallation password
python.exe --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --user="Administrator" --pass="password" --run_env=Windows --agent_remove --uninstall_pass="agent_uninstall_pass"

4. Run the following command to uninstall Saner agents on Linux/macOS systems
python.exe --deploy_saner --host= --user="root" --pass="password" --agent_remove --run_env=Linux
5. If SanerNow Agent is password protected, execute the following command to provide uninstallation password
python.exe --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --user="Administrator" --pass="password" --agent_remove --uninstall_pass="agent_uninstall_pass --run_env=Linux"

6. If a proxy is enabled, pass proxy details to the deployer script as shown below,
--proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass"
python --deploy_saner --host= --user="root" --pass="password" --proxy_ip= --agent_remove --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass"
7. Other deployer tool options:
python --deploy_saner --host=hosts.csv --delete_host_csv=true --user="root" --pass="password" --run_env=Linux --agent_remove
python --deploy_saner --host= --user=domain\Administrator --pass="password" --proxy_ip= --proxy_port=80 --proxy_user="proxy_user" --proxy_pass="proxy_pass" --run_env=Windows --agent_remove