Published Date: February 19, 2025
We are excited to bring you our latest release – Saner CVEM 6.4. SanerNow is now rebranded as Saner CVEM (Continuous Vulnerability and Exposure Management). This release offers exciting new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.
What’s New in Saner CVEM 6.4
New Features
- SanerOne Dashboard: We are excited to introduce the SanerOne Dashboard – a unified dashboard that offers a comprehensive 360-degree view of your organization’s security posture. The SanerOne Dashboard provides valuable data on the various IT assets within your organization, including their geo-locations, associated risks, and compliance with organization-level Service Level Agreements (SLAs). It also offers a Cyber Hygiene Score, reflecting the overall security health of your organization, and an account-specific risk overview.
- Improved Organization Onboarding: We have revamped the onboarding workflow in the Saner platform to provide a smoother and more seamless experience when creating organizations. You can now effortlessly create multiple accounts or sites under the newly created organization during onboarding.
- Remediation Job Validation in Saner Patch Management(PM) and Compliance Management(CM): We have enhanced the Saner PM and CM tool to validate the remediation job’s pre and post-script and indicate when it failed. As part of the validation, Saner PM/CM checks if the pre-script specified in the remediation job is executed correctly. If the pre-script execution fails, Saner PM/CM does not proceed with the remediation job and marks it as a failure. Similarly, if the post-script fails to execute, Saner PM/CM marks the remediation job as partial success.
- Rollback Status Indicator in Saner Patch Management and Saner Compliance Management: We have introduced a new ‘Rollback‘ column on the Missing Patches and Most Critical Patches pages in Saner PM and CM. This column displays ‘True’ for patches that can be rolled back after installation and ‘False’ for those that cannot. The Rollback feature gives system administrators clear visibility into whether a patch can be reverted, helping them to strategize their patch management activities effectively.
- Application Level Exclusion in Saner Patch Management (PM): We have enhanced Saner PM to allow an Application level exclusion. With the recent asset level exclusion enhancement and the existing functionality of creating exclusions at a patch level, providing you flexibility for effective patch management.
- New Filters added in Saner Patch Management (PM): We have introduced two new filters on the Automation page in Saner PM, allowing you to filter assets by OS and Third-Party applications when creating automation rules. The newly added filters help you create automation rules for operating systems and third-party applications more efficiently.

- Primary and Secondary Patch Repository for Third-party Applications Patching: In situations where the Saner Agent fails to fetch patches for third-party applications from the specified primary local repository, the patches are downloaded from the Saner repository to ensure seamless and efficient third-party patching.
- New schedule rule setting in Saner Agent: We have introduced a new setting that allows you to specify Saner Agent to check for missed scheduled rules in Saner PM and CM. You can instruct the Saner Agent to run the scheduled rule immediately when it is detected as missed, or you can run the automation rule as per the specified schedule.
- Backup Reports Monthly in Saner CVEM: We have introduced the monthly option to the backup schedule in Saner CVEM reports. In addition to backing the reports daily and weekly, you can now backup the reports monthly.
User Interface (UI) Changes
Saner Control Panel UI Changes: We have reorganized the Control Panel page in the Saner platform to enhance the user experience by grouping Agent Configuration, Posture Anomaly Scanner, and Risk Prioritization Scanner under the Scanners category.
REST and Report API Changes
Here is an overview of the API changes made in Saner CVEM 6.4.
Newly Added API
- Get Org With Accounts Hygiene Score Trend: The ‘getOrgWithAccountsHygieneScoreTrend‘ API returns the trending Cyber Hygiene Score for all the accounts in the organization for the last 30 days.
Modified APIs
- We have revamped the ‘getAllBenchmarkProvisions‘ API to provide all the benchmarks configured for an account. If the account is not specified, the ‘getAllBenchmarkProvisions’ API returns benchmarks configured for all the accounts in the organization.
Report API Changes
We have introduced a new column, ‘SLA Status,’ in the reports below.
- Installed Patches by Devices
- Patch Compliance by Devices
- Missing Patches by Devices
The SLA Status column lets you know if the patch for a particular asset falls within the categories below.
- SLA Compliant
- Within SLA Window
- SLA Violation
We have introduced a new column – ‘Patch Group‘ in the Missing Patches report to display the patch type. The Patch Group column displays whether the patch is a SECURITY or a NON-SECURITY patch.
We have introduced a new column – ‘Last update’ in the ‘Remediation Patch Details By Host Name’ report. The Last Update column displays the date and time of the last remediation performed on the device.
The reports below are now available at an organizational level in Saner CVEM.
- Patch Compliance
- Missing Patches
- Microsoft Windows Vendor Security Patches
- Unix Vendor Security Patches
We have added a new date filter to the above reports to help you filter data based on the date provided.
We are confident that the new features and enhancements introduced in 6.4 will augment your experience with Saner CVEM and empower you to fortify your IT infrastructure against attacks.
Your feedback is crucial to us. If you have suggestions or feature requests that could further enhance your experience with Saner CVEM, send them to us at [email protected].