SanerNow has a new interactive dashboard – Unified Dashboard – that provides a whole new representation of end-to-end vulnerability management through a unified console. The Unified Dashboard paints a clear and concise picture of your organization’s security posture, covering Visibility, Detection, Prioritization, and Remediation all in one console.
Unified Dashboard aims to ease your navigation between SanerNow tools and provide the necessary insights and recommendations to keep your organization secure. And this consolidated data is available at an Organization level and Account level.
Unified Dashboard

SanerNow Unified Dashboard provides information at the Organization and Account levels. The Organization level unified dashboard contains all the information of the Accounts within the organization. In comparison, an Account level Unified dashboard contains Account specific information.
The Unified Dashboard is divided into the following sections.
- Visibility
- Detection
- Prioritization
- Remediation
Device Universe

The Device Universe section gives detailed information about the Assets in your Organization. At an Account level, the Device Universe section shows information about the Assets in an Account. For instance, the pie chart on the left side of the page represents the total number of devices in the Organization, classifying them depending on the family of operating systems they belong to and categorizing remote scanned devices as Network devices. At the same time, the Device Universe section gives a granular view by breaking down the Asset information as mentioned in the table below.
Icon | Information Represented at Organization level / Account level |
![]() | Shows the total number of active devices in the Organization / Account. |
![]() | Shows the total number of inactive devices in the Organization / Account. |
![]() | Shows the total number of newly added devices during the last one week in the Organization / Account. |
![]() | Shows the total number of device groups in the Organization / Account. |
![]() | Shows the total number of operating systems found in the Organization / Account. |
![]() | Shows the total number of applications present in the Organization / Account. |
![]() | Shows the total number of outdated applications present in the Organization / Account. |
![]() | Shows the total number of blacklisted applications present in the Organization / Account. |
![]() | Shows the total number of network subnets that exist in the Organization. |
![]() | Shows the total number of user groups in the Organization / Account. |
![]() For Blacklisted Applications to be visible in the Device Universe, the Organization should have an active subscription to the SanerNow Asset Exposure tool. Similarly, the Account should have an active subscription to SanerNow Asset Exposure to display blacklisted applications in the Account-level Device Universe section. |

The Device Universe section at an Organization level provides account-wise information that can be downloaded into a CSV file. Click on any of the categories in the Device Universe section to download the information to a CSV file.

In addition to this, the Device Universe section at an Account level provides additional information. All you need to do is, click the number next to the icon in the Device Universe section, and a pop-up window showing all the details about the category is displayed. You can download the information presented in the pop-up window to a CSV file.

You can download the details by clicking the CSV icon on the top right of the pop-up window.
Cyber Hygiene Score

The Cyber Hygiene Score of the Organization is displayed to the right of the page. The Organization score is the weighted average of all the Accounts within the Organization. Clicking the metered icon takes you to the CHS Organization dashboard. Similarly, on an Account-level CHS dashboard, the account-specific CHS Score is displayed to the right of the page.
The Detection section categorizes the information provided by the SanerNow tools you subscribed to. The data is classified as follows:
- Category
- Risks
- Severity
- Trend
- Affected Devices
- Launch
The Detection section in an Org level dashboard displays the below-mentioned information.
Category – This section lists the name of the SanerNow tools the Organization has subscribed to.
Risks – This section lists the total risks found by the respective SanerNow tool in the Organization.
Severity – This section categorizes the risks found into Low, Medium, High, and Critical categories based on severity.
Trend – This section shows the risks found over the past 90 days in a trending graph.
Affected Devices – This section categorizes the total devices in the Organization into affected and unaffected.
Launch – This section contains the launch icon. Clicking this icon takes you to the Account-specific Unified Dashboard.
For instance, if you’ve subscribed to the SanerNow VM tool, the Unified Dashboard will display all the vulnerabilities found in each of the Accounts present in the Organization.

The VM section table displays the following information Account-wise.
- Account – This column displays the name of the Account present in the Organization.
- Total Risks – This column displays each Account’s total number of vulnerabilities.
- Critical – This column displays each Account’s total number of vulnerabilities under the Critical category.
- High – This column displays each Account’s total number of vulnerabilities under the High category.
- Medium – This column displays each Account’s total number of vulnerabilities under the Medium category.
- Low – This column displays each Account’s total number of vulnerabilities under the Low category.
- Affected Devices – This column displays the count of devices affected by the vulnerability in red. At the same time, the unaffected devices are shown in green.
- Launch – Clicking the launch icon
takes you to the Unified Dashboard for the respective Account.
Similarly, other SanerNow tools, namely CM, PA, and PM, will appear in the Detection section, displaying misconfigurations, posture anomalies, and missing patches information detected in the Organization.
![]() The number of SanerNow tools that appear in the Detection section will vary depending on your Organization’s subscription. |
The Detection section in an Account level dashboard displays the same above information, but the scope remains confined to the Accounts within the Organization. For instance, clicking the Launch icon next to VM will take you to the dashboard for that particular Account.

![]() On the Account level Unified Dashboard, the Detection section will show all the SanerNow tools assigned to the Account by the Org Admin. |
The Prioritization section contains two sections: Prioritized Risks funnel and Factors Influencing Risk Prioritization chart. The Prioritization section remains the same for Organization and Account level Unified dashboards but will display Organization-specific information on an Organization level dashboard. And for an Account level dashboard, the information specific to the Accounts within the Organization is shown.

Prioritized Risks

The Prioritized Risks funnel categorizes the risks found in your Organization as follows.
- Track
- Track*
- Attend
- Act
Track – The risks under this category don’t require action now. You can continue to track and reassess the risks if new information becomes available – remediate Track risks within standard update timelines.
Track* – The risks under this category contain specific characteristics that may require closer monitoring for changes. Security teams must closely monitor these risks to track any new developments in this case – remediate Track* risks within standard update timelines.
Attend – The risks under this category require attention from the Organization’s internal, supervisory-level individuals – remediate Attend risks within standard update timelines.
Act – The risks under this category require attention from the Organization’s internal, supervisory-level individuals – remediate Act risks as soon as possible.
Factors Influencing Risk Prioritization

The Factors Influencing Risk Prioritization chart categorizes the risks found in the Organization into the following categories.
- Risk on Mission Critical Devices
- High Exploitation
- Automatable
- Total Technical Impact
Risk on Mission Critical Devices – The risks under this category exists on critical devices and must be immediately acted upon.
High Exploitation – The risks under this category can be easily exploited by bad actors.
Automatable – The risks under this category can be automated by bad actors to exploit the devices in the Organization.
Total Technical Impact – The risks under this category give bad actors total control over the behavior of the software or provide complete disclosure of all information on the systems.
![]() On an Organization level dashboard, the Prioritization section will appear if your Organization has subscribed to the SanerNow Risk Prioritization tool. Similarly, at an Account level, SanerNow Risk Prioritization should be enabled for the Prioritization section to be visible on the Account level Unified Dashboard. |
The Remediation section contains two sections: Recommended Remediation for ACT Category and Remediation Actions.

Recommended Remediations for ACT Category
This section displays the risks that fall under the ACT category – you need to remediate these risks immediately. ACT category risks from all the Accounts present in the Organization are shown here.
![]() The Recommended Remediations for Act Category depends on whether SanerNow Risk Prioritization is enabled at an Organization and Account level. |
The Remediation section in an Organization level Unified Dashboard with SanerNow Risk Prioritization looks similar to the screenshot below.

The following information about each Remediation on an Organization level Unified Dashboard is shown.

- The name of the vulnerable asset with relevant patch information.
- The name of the SanerNow tool used for remediation and the severity of the risk
- The name of the Account where the vulnerable asset exists.
- The name of the vendor providing the patch, its size, and the number of risks that will get remediated by applying the patch.
You can remediate the risks by clicking the Fix button. A pop-up window appears on the screen.

Fill in the task name and select a remediation schedule. You can choose the following scheduling options.
- Immediate
- After Scheduled Scan
- Custom date
Immediate – When you select the schedule as Immediate, the patch gets applied immediately.
After Scheduled Scan – When you select the schedule as After Scheduled Scan, the patch gets applied after SanerNow Agent performs the scheduled scan on the Account.
Custom Date – When you select the schedule as Custom Date, you need to specify the Task Execution Date and the Task Start Window.
(Task start window is a time frame during which a task is allowed to start running. For example, a task might have a start window of 09:00 PM to 11:00 PM, which means the task can begin anytime within that time range. If the device is offline during the start time window, the Task is not executed and gets reported as Schedule Missed.)

Similarly, on an Account level Unified Dashboard, the Remediation section with SanerNow Risk Prioritization enabled looks like this.

The following information about each Remediation on an Account level Unified Dashboard is shown.

- The name of the vulnerable asset with relevant patch information.
- The name of the SanerNow tool used for remediation and the severity of the risk
- Number of devices affected in the Account by the risk
- The name of the vendor providing the patch, its size, and the number of risks that will get remediated by applying the patch.
You can remediate the risks by clicking the Fix button, which takes you to the Account-specific dashboard for the SanerNow tool.
However, if Risk Prioritization is not enabled, the top 10 recommended remediations from SanerNow PM and CM tool are displayed.

![]() If Risk Prioritization is not enabled for the Account, the remediation tasks listed under Recommended Remediation depend on the following conditions. a. If both SanerNow PM and CM tools are enabled, the top 10 recommended remediation tasks from SanerNow PM and CM tools get listed under Recommended Remediation section. b. If just the SanerNow PM tool is enabled for the Account, then the top 10 recommended remediation tasks from the SanerNow PM tool are listed under the Recommended Remediation section. c. If just the SanerNow CM tool is enabled for the Account, then the top 10 recommended remediation tasks from the SanerNow CM tool are listed under the Recommended Remediation section. Similarly, the last ten remediation Actions performed in the Account gets listed under the Remediation Actions section. |
Remediation Actions

The Remediation Actions section displays all the remediation actions performed on the Accounts present in the Organization. You can see the Status of the Remediation Action – whether it is completed or is in the process of getting completed.

The following information about each remediation task listed under the Remediation Actions section is presented from left to right.
- The name of the SanerNow tool used to perform the Remediation Action.
- The name of the Account on which the remediation action was performed.
- The task name that was given to the remediation action.
- The status of the remediation action.
Similar information at an Account level is shown for the Remediation Actions section in the Account level Unified Dashboard.